Integra group - infrastrukturna rješenja

Green IT/PC Power Management

The electricity necessary to power personal computers represents the biggest share in the total consumption of electricity for the entire IT system. Researches have shown that PC power consumption can be around a quarter of total costs required to run a modern office.
Turning off personal computers is a simple yet essential way of saving energy. According to researches between 50 and 60 % of users do not turn off their computers when they do not use them. On the other hand, at home 95 % of users turn off their computers when they do not use them.
IT departments and organizations around the world have discovered how much they can save by PC power management.
Each passing day is a missed opportunity to save energy and reduce the quantity of flue gases. An average computer consumes about 100 Watts (50-60 Watts by computer and 40 Watts by LCD monitor). Taking into consideration the increasing power rates, the savings that can be achieved by applying   PC Power Management tools are important, fast and measurable.
PC Power Management tools provide more efficient consumption of electricity without influencing the productivity of employees and make sure that computers are available for security patch and upgrade installation as required.  The tools allow generating reports on all those activities and statuses in order to manage and monitor power consumption more easily. PC Power Management solutions detect and solve situations and applications that interfere with regular PC turning off and allow PC turning on via web interface in order to ensure productivity and data availability.
Business benefits:
  • Electric power saving
  • Promoting awareness of socially responsible behaviour
Microsoft System Center 2012
ManageEngine Desktop Central
1e NightWatchman