Integra group - infrastrukturna rješenja

OnCall support

If you sometimes need IT support such as repairing a malfunction, adjusting feature settings or performing preventive maintenance on hardware or software, the best way to deal with those kind of requests is to contact our on-call IT support service.
There are more than 30 certified experts with different specialties located in our IT support centres in Zagreb, Rijeka, Osijek and Split who will complete your requests by coming to the location or by remote access.
Your requests for onCall service support should be sent in one of the following ways:
  • mailto:
  • direct input in Service Desk Application (after creating your user account)
  • phone Service Desk number 01/3040-080
Business benefits:
  • Specialist support when you need it
  • More free time to spend on meeting business needs of your organization
  • Fewer permanently-employed experts with different specialties
  • Lower operating costs and greater efficiency of IT department